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Party Plan

Budget Roo has had over 25,000 Customers this year and is now Starting parties online for now, and later home parties. This has proved a Host or Hostesses Discount benefits.

Here’s what you get by hosting:

10% Discount coupon to use in Store for having an online party!

When the combined sales reach $500 or more…the hostess receives 10% Discount coupon to use in Store!

When the combined sales reach $1000 or more…the hostess receives 20% Discount coupon to use in Store!

All coupons will be emailed to after processing the orders, and be used for individual products, please note if you want discount not for individual orders, SmS me to change Discount coupon’s.

How Parties work:

Sign up and become a Member.

SmS Us with your Email  and date of party (DD/MM/YYYY).

Host a party either on the chat room on Budget Roo or other Group chat App.

Them when person from your party Buys something, in Check Out page get them to type your email, date and party  in to Additional details (optional) section.

So it should look like this eg  support@budget-roo.com (DD/MM/YYYY) party.

That way we can track who bought from your party.

Have fun over the Christmas & NewYear Holidays and hope to catch up next year.

We will still be processing orders over Holidays for you.

Thanks Budget Roo


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